

One diet fits all

Myth: One diet fits all ‘One size fits all’ – I used to see this all the time on clothes, well I call bullshit. Your one size fits all approach to clothes is discriminatory and out right silly. What fits my friend who 5’4’ is not…

Keto.. Is it Right for you?

Myth: The Keto diet works for everyone The Keto diet has fast taken the place of the Paleo Diet. It seems that everyone that was doing paleo has now jumped onto the keto bandwagon. But is this for a good reason? FACT: YOUR BODY THRIVES OFF…

Does Skinny = Healthy

Myth: Skinny = Healthy Over the last 5 or 6 years I have seen countless people, both in person and on social media stigmatise overweight people. Then complain themselves that they need to lose weight. Let’s just start with this: We are…

Olive Oil isn’t healthy to cook with?

Myth - Olive oil isn't safe to cook with? This myth came highly requested! I have seen a lot of conversations, blog posts and videos floating around online about this topic, but the answer still seems unclear. What is the best oil to cook with? A…

Is Charcoal the best way to remove toxins??

Myth: Charcoal is the best way to remove toxins from your body I have said it before but I will say it again and keep on saying it…. Your liver and Kidneys are all you need. A few years ago, Charcoal was the hottest new fad supplement to…

Do I really need to detox?

Myth: You need to detox regularly Finding the truth on the interest about this, what might seem like, simple topic is like finding a needle in a haystack… Near impossible. But lucky for you, I am going to break it down and tell all. So let’s…